Once you get familiar with Lops and USD it's not too scary.
PRO: Houdini's great node editor and procedural workflowsĪ bonus unfortunate con of USD is terminology, read the official docs and you're rapidly drowning in tech jargon. PRO: USD's ability to manipulate hierarchies and scenes. Lops/Solaris attempts to combine the positive aspects of both these things: CON: Needs high level python coding skills to use effectively. PRO: Great at editing hierarchies, scene manipulation. CON: Bad at editing hierarchies, scene manipulation. PRO: Great node editor, great procedural workflows. In broad strokes of Houdini vs USD vs hierarchies, you could say: If you want a video intro, myself and Ben Skinner recorded a video, its 24 mins, and is a good overview of USD and LOPS: Lops and USD are capable of lots of other things, will cover those when I get to them! From that perspective there'll likely be a lot of 'ahhhh, is that all there is to this?' moments, as this side of Lops is relatively straightforward. At the school where I teach we'll be using Lops this year for doing layout, creating sets, all that stuff, so this quickstart is heavily focused on that.
The simplest take on Lops is that it's a procedural hierarchy editor. Once you've read that, feel free to come back here, should all make more sense. People seemed to like my JoyOfVex guide, so I've written a Usd guide in a similar style. 8.3 Which renderers have Hydra delegates.8.1.3 A big sequence in a small studio without USD.8.1 Why is USD interesting if I'm not a big studio?.6.7 Assign material Lop with shop_materialpath.6.6 Primitive selector click vs control click.
4.8 Use attributes to change render properties.4.2 Layers and references and save paths.3.3 Instancer for trees on a groundplane.3.2.1 A cleaner way to prepare those variants.2.11 Fancier combining with graft and reference.2.10 Edit lots of things with a stage manager.2.9 Lops are not sops part 1: transform lop.2.5 Merge the sphere and make it a child of the set.2.4 Merge the sphere and the set, Lops style.